So I said in my last post that I would blog about some of my experiences with them. So here it goes.
Ryan aka Roomie: I roomed with Ryan during COAT and I could not have asked for a better roommate. We had shared some of our struggles during the first part of COAT, and formed a bond from that. Ryan was someone that was easy to talk to and someone I felt very comfortable around. I look forward to working with him in the CGO and strengthening our friendship.
Kristy and Lena: These girls were like sisters to me. They were great people to be around and both of them always brought a smile to my face every time I saw them. It was a blessing to get to know them over the past few months and I am excited to be working with Kristy in the CGO.
The Inchausteguis: This family was such a blessing to have in my life, I love their kids Isaac, Kaleb and Isabel and they are wonderful people who will do great work in Mexico.
Katie: I really enjoyed getting to know Katie and realizing her passion for babies and Neonatal care. Katie was the only girl who consistently showed up to Applebee's every Monday night and who wasn't afraid of random trips, such as to Miami to see Coldplay, which I heard was awesome; or to Tampa to see the ACC championship game, which was not so awesome. I am really excited for the ministry she will be doing in Kenya and excited for how God will use her.
Amy: Amy was the only person that I had heard of before coming to COAT. We have multiple friends in common and I had been told how great Amy was. She didn't disappoint and it was a blessing to get to know the person I had heard so much about. She is truly an amazing woman of God.
There are so many more that I could talk about, like the Millers, the Johnsons, Jessica, Angie, Elaine (who is tons of fun to be around), Sarah, Jenni, Paul and of course our fearless leaders Matt and Dan and of course all the people who work with NMSI that I could fill up a book with talking about, but I will leave you with that. COAT was such a blessing because of the people I have met and known.
Until next time. . .
Some great memories! Thank you for your kind words, Josh:) I'm so excited to see how God uses you...He has some great plans for you!